For Halloween this year Maddie was Tinkerbell and Olivia was a Pumpkin - the same costume we used for Maddie a couple of years ago! The girls were so cute all dressed up and had a lot of fun at all of the festivities.

Here we are at our Ward party with Dan, Ashley and baby Cal. Obviously Dan and Ash were Tigger and Pooh, at the last minute Matt and I decided to dress up as Dwight and Pam from one of our favorite TV shows The Office.

When Matt wasn't wearing his nasty Dwight glasses I think people thought we weren't dressed up and had just come back for the Temple or something. I felt like I had to give anyone I talked to a disclaimer " Oh, I am dressed up...as Pam from the Office". It was pretty funny. The party was great, oh except for Olivia's MAJOR meltdown, like nothing I have ever seen! I left early with her and drove around for a while, so Maddie and Matt could stay and have fun with her friends.

Carving pumpkins! We had such a fun time carving pumpkins with the girls. We hadn't carved pumpkins since we got married!! Maddie wasn't so sure about shoving her hand in and pulling out the seeds at first, but eventually she warmed up.

Yummy Yum!!

We decided to carve the pumpkins to look like the girls. At the time Olivia was still really into making the face she's making in the picture, and for Maddie we did a smiley pumpkin for our happy girl.

Another fun thing we did to celebrate Halloween was go to Pottery Barn Kids for story time and face painting. Maddie enjoyed the stories and Olivia just played in the store. Afterwards Maddie got a cute little butterfly painted on her cheek.

On Halloween Sandee and I took our kids to go trick or treating at Corte Madera. It was really fun and easy, the kids ran from store to store that was passing out candy. I love this picture of Maddie and Brock, they are such adorable little friends.

Olivia and Blake just hanging out. Have you ever seen a more precious cowboy!?! Blake was darling in his costume he had such a little strut, perfect for a cowboy.

We had a little bit of a rough start to our trick or treating but we ended up having such a fun time. Dan, Ashley and baby Cal were sweet enough to take the bus over to join us. It was so freezing outside so we weren't out for too long but it was so much fun. Maddie jumped right in and Olivia followed along with a little help from Matt or I. We can't believe how fast the girls are growing, it is so much fun while at the same time it breaks my heart. I would just giggle as I watched Maddie go to the door and say her little "trick or treat", she is so sweet.

I love this picture!!! I know I will have pictures like this every year for the next million but I can't stand how cute it was to see the girls go to the door together and get their treats.

The stash.

We were checking out the girls candy and pulling out anything that looked questionable when we looked over to see Olivia going to town on a tootsie pop! We couldn't resist a picture of her sitting in front of her big pile eating her lollipop.