For our first big adventure during the break we went down to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk. We left the city having checked the forecast and thought that long sleeves would probably keep us comfy but not hot...we were wrong. It was really warm, and we felt kind of silly walking around with all of the tourists in their shorts and short sleeves. We survived the warm weather though and had a lot of fun playing. Once we bought ourselves some tickets to ride, we were on our way.

This was one of the rides the girls could go on all by themselves. I love how as parents we are so "proud" as we watch our kids go around in a circle on these carnival-ish rides! I have to laugh at myself everytime I do this.

Here's Maddie enjoying another ride.

We were waiting in line to go on the boats and little did we know what we had in store for us...a meltdown of major proportions.

Are we having fun yet???

After a few fun filled hours we got some lunch and decided to head home. For our drive back we decided to drive along the coast, and it was so worth it. It was beautiful. There were lots of little places to stop and look out at the ocean, cute little towns, and lighthouses all along the way. We decided to stop and check a few out.

Matt and Maddie checking out the view.

Another great family shot of all of us -haha.